Highland Boards & Commissions – Plan Commission


The Highland Municipal Plan Commission consists of seven members, three of whom are appointed by the Town Council and must be elected or appointed municipal officials or employees in the municipal government, as members.


Four members (also called citizen members) are appointed to four-year terms by the Town Council President. No more than two of these members may be of the same political party.


The Plan Commission assists in the administration of the Planning and Zoning Law of the Town and is the body that administers the Unsafe Building Ordinance. The Plan Commission performs its planning and zoning law responsibilities by making recommendations to the legislative body concerning:


  • The adoption of the comprehensive plan and amendments to the comprehensive plan.
  • The adoption or text amendment of an initial zoning ordinance, a replacement zoning ordinance and a subdivision control ordinance.
  • The adoption or amendment of a PUD district ordinance as defined in I.C. 36-7-4-1503
  • Zone map changes.


Meet the commissioners
Rezoning Approval Process
Subdivision Approval Process
2024 Agendas & Minutes – downloadable PDFs

Highland Plan Commission

3rd Wednesday of the month

Regular Meeting     7 p.m.


1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month

Study Session        6:30 p.m.



Highland Municipal Building

3333 Ridge Road